Lay Summary: Research on Custom 3D-Printed Cell Culture Devices
A lay summary has been published for the research article titled, 'Low-cost, versatile, and highly reproducible microfabrication pipeline to generate 3D-printed customised cell...
iMM Joins the MAGIC Consortium to Advance Research on Muscular Dystrophies
iMM has joined the MAGIC Project to advance biomedical research by enhancing muscle-on-chip technologies and the development of new disease models.
Join the MAGIC Team – recruitment opportunities
Join MAGIC vibrant team - recruiting for: Postdoctoral researcher – Genome editing for inherited muscular disorders @ INSERM-Genethon (FR): deadline 29 February 2024. To know...
MAGIC team kick-off meeting
The MAGIC team has come together in Brussels on 22-23 October 2023 for the official kick-off meeting.
MAGIC consortium participates in the ESGCT 2023 conference
Participants of the MAGIC consortium have participated in the recently concluded ESGCT 2023 conference with poster presentations and talks.
MAGIC Project: Accelerating Development of Genetic Therapies for Muscular Dystrophies
London, July 11, 2023 – We are thrilled to announce the launch of the groundbreaking project “MAGIC” (Next-generation Models And Genetic therapIes for rare neuromusCular...
Accelerating development of genetic therapies for muscular dystrophies
The MAGIC project is an ambitious four-year (2023-2027) initiative jointly funded by Horizon Europe and UK Research and Innovation (UKRI) bringing together 15 international...